Bloomberg AIM Interface System (BTS)
Business Challenge:
It is difficult to maintain all financial transactions from Bloomberg AIM,RBI NDS,CCIL and HSBC Back office which needs to send to government for verification further it cancelled or reversed in the system.
Solution Proposed:
Mappletree proposed and developed this application that is BTS Interface System which is designed to work as an interface between the Bloomberg AIM front Office System, RBI NDS & CCIL Applications and the HSBC back office systems.
Technologies Used:
MVC 4(Model View Controller), C# with Dapper .Net, SQL Server 2012, JQuery, JQuery AJAX, LINQ, AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML Razor.
Engagement Results:
Successful implementation of BTS Interface system resulted to track financial transaction on day to day basis and helps to verify it by government.For this system they got reward from reputed organization.