Call Monitoring System (CMS)



Business Challenge:
Mutual Fund customer support and sales team members receive various calls from the investors/distributors and it needs to be recorded and attended in a timely manner. Moreover, MIS reports of these calls needs to be maintained and improvements are done based on the calls history and understanding. It is becoming tedious job to maintain all these files manually and generate reports from them. So, this needs to be automated by having a software.

Solution Proposed:
Mappletree proposed and developed this application through which they can track various calls from the investors/distributors in timely manner.User now able to log their calls on the basis of nature of query and it can be easily processed. All the reports of the calls generated on the basis of branch , date , month,nature of query.Now they are able to view audit log for individual call.

Technologies Used:
MVC 5(Model View Controller), C# with Dapper, SQL Server 2012, JavaScript and JQuery, AngularJS, Design Pattern, Bootstrap, HTML Razor.

Engagement Results:
Successful implementation of the application resulted improved performance of Call Monitoring System.Now all team members easily log their calls.Various reports are generated by understanding of history of call,Nature of query.Super users are able to view calls branch wise,month wise,etc.